Brenden Kumarasamy is a high achiever. Choosing to become an accountant when he was 12, he studied hard, reached that goal and has moved on to his current dream job as a technology consultant with IBM. 

This podcast is about his passion for presentation and communication, his philosophy, and how he has decided to plan a good life by dreaming into all the potential mistakes he intends to avoid. It is a fascinating conversation.

As we enter the third week of 2021, like many other countries, the UK is back in full lockdown and while we have been here before, what was a short-term measure last year, now feels like a part of everyday life. The virus has forced us to change how we interact with family, friends and the world, and for many Zoom has become as familiar as the telephone and email for our daily business connections.

Before COVID, public speaking and presentation were on the top ten list of things that people feared. Nowadays, most businesses have discovered the convenience of remote meetings and are developing techniques for enhancing this medium. However, while I suspect that these experiences do help, speaking live in front of a group of people still raises the heart rate and causes anxiety for many. 

My guest on today’s programme has no such fear. He is a young man who is passionate about building a better world through the power of presentation and the sharing of ideas. Whilst this is a conversation is about speaking, it is also a talk about planning a good life.  

Brenden Kumarasamy is on a Mission

His mission is to support people towards better communication through mastering the art of public speaking and getting your message out.  Currently, he is coaching purpose-driven entrepreneurs, which, for him is about helping them find their message, their voice, and building the skills to share those ideas with the world.

In January 2019 he started a YouTube channel called Master Talk and in just over a year he achieved 5000 subscribers and is getting close to 90,000 views—a fantastic result for such a short time. 

Thank you for joining me with Brenden Kumarasamy I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did. 

If you want to connect with Brenden, you can find him on YouTube and Instagram or at:

January Goal Setting

January 2021 did you join in the yearly rush to make plans and set goals? 

If you have been around here for a while, you will know that I have a love-hate relationship with goals. At the same time, I accept that a life without them can be lacking and really successful people tend to be goal setters. However, first, you might have to ask what really successful means: if you want to visit the moon, it will take some goal setting and planning.

There have been times in life when I have been very focused and goal-orientated, and other times when the goal became a tool to bludgeon myself.  The failure to achieve what I thought I wanted can be put down to simple truths. The goal was not mine, or the outcome did not matter enough, and I did not enjoy the journey towards it.   

For a goal to stick there must be an intention and strong desire to go way past it. So my advice is to make sure the goals you are setting are yours and aligned with your bigger picture so you can get excited about the journey towards it and beyond.

The other significant tool/ success factor is accountability. While only you can do the work. Telling someone else that you will stick to an agreement is a game-changer for getting stuff done.  

If you want help with this check out the links for focus coaching in the show notes and on the Life Passion and Business website. 

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