Great, you’re on the contact page. Sadly we get loads of spam on this form, so it might be easier to reach out on social media.
But if you would like to use the form, I have a spam and bot test password. The first word begins with “I” on the home page.
Note if you are posting links or crap in the contact form don’t waste your time and your email address will get reported and blocked.
The bot test is as above.
(For enquiries about being a podcast guest, go to the Be My Guest page.)

Contact Form

Other contact options are…
Social Media
Another good way to reach me is through Social Media options…
Email / Phone
Email: paul@lifepassionandbusiness.com
(No spam please – my inbox is overcrowded enough without it)
Snail Mail

Paul Harvey
Life Passion & Business
Inglewood, Invererne Road
Forres, Scotland. IV36 1DZ

And of course you are always welcome to subscribe…