I have been in marketing for 20 years and like every industry there are the “Stars” people that are leaders in their field. Doberman Dan is one of those leaders.

Doberman Dan (he will explain that name) has been a serial entrepreneur for over 30 years. He is a best selling author and A-list copywriter, a gun for hire in the world of sales copy.
He is also a professional musician and composer, and his writing success allows him the time to pursue that passion.
There is a story and a journey here, The idea of a music career started at age seven. However, coming from a poor family and low self-esteem background, goals and planning was not in the mindset.
In his early years, he worked without direction. While the dream was to be a professional musician, the reality was to earn a living. You will hear how he joined the Dayton Police Department; how he explored multi-level marketing and went on for nine years or serial business failure.
He ultimately discovered his success in writing for the Bodybuilding world, and this saw him leave the police departments and become a writer.
In this interview there are revelations. We discuss aspects of his journey that have never been publicly explored.
Our conversation is a business interview, but it is also a discussion about life and finding meaning. At 40 minutes I came to my last question and we completed the interview. However, when a guest interview is over there are practical issues to discuss. I am so glad that we were still recording because the conversation that followed went to a new level and Dan gave me permission to include in the publishing.
3.15 Why Doberman Dan?
6.30 Early life direction
7.45 Life passion
8.30 Becoming a Police Officer
9.00 MLM and entrepreneurship
10.00 Direct response marketing copywriting
11.00 The hired gun copywriter
13.00 Passion for the work
15.15 Projects have a cycle
16.30 Working with your passion
18.00 The business funds my music
20.00 Experience from the police force
2115 Street Cop physiology
22.00 The life plan
24.30 The perfect day
26.30 Bulletproof coffee breakfast
29.00 Success is..
35.30 When is enough enough
39.00 Enjoying winning money is just keeping score
41.00 How to find your passion
44.30 Signing off, but wait there is more…
The following was recorded after the interview, we continued speaking and agreed to keep it in the programme.
45.45 Losing your passion and meaning
46.00 What happened to Gary Halbert?
47.00 Everything I was told was a lie
48.00 Down the rabbit hole and the rookie answers
Dan reveals his personal thoughts and even those that know him might be surprised.
If you want to follow up with Dan and get a copy of his book mentioned on the show, visit his website at DobermanDan.com
It is worth getting on his list as you will see a master in action.
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