With over 50+ amazing speakers there’s lots to explore in Life Passion & Business events.
Tickets are available for past events, so it’s not too late to enjoy them now.

Scroll down for an overview of each event, or follow these links to go directly to the the Hey-Summit platform where the selected event is hosted (links open in a new tab).

The above event links include all the following details:-

  • Event Home Page with a full overview of the event and it’s speakers.
  • Tickets with all currently available purchase options for that event.
  • Categories will show you an overview of the topics the event covers.
  • Speakers page enables you to show speakers by topic and includes links to their
  • Speakers Profile pages where you can read their profiles and session content.
  • Replays will show you a list of all the available content sessions in running order.
    (You will need a ticket to access the replay links).
  • LP&B Events brings you back to this page.

Return here to use the Contact form for further enquiries or scroll down for a synopsis of each event.

How To Move Forward In The Face Of Adversity

Living Beyond The Change was our first event. Created as the world went into Lockdown it was an immediate response to the panic and uncertainty a lot of people in business were expressing. Although we have moved on since them the topics it covers are as relevant today as they were when it was created.

Bringing together some of the best speakers in the field of Money, Mindset, Health and Business, Living Beyond The Change addresses significant issues that many of us face at pivotal moments of transition and offers practical solutions to thrive in a world that often feels unpredictable.

All The Talks From This Event Are Still Available

Watch Videos On Replay / Download Audio Files / Enjoy Additional Content. 100% compatible with your Mac or PC computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone.

Click/tap into the image to go to our HeySummit hosting pages for full details, prices and booking options.

It’s Time To Drop The Excuses And Get Stuff Done!

In August 2020 the initial shock of Covid was over, but the impact on peoples lives and businesses wasn’t. Spending habits had changed and new ways of doing business were being formed. In order to thrive in this environment action is needed, and it’s needed straight away! Reasons & Results asks ‘What do you want and how are you going to achieve it?’

Taking the bull by the horns, Reasons & Results candidly addresses the things that hold us back and highlights topics such as Fear, Resistance, Self Discipline, Accountability, Mindset and Motivation. Created as a 5 day event, each day carries a different theme. However, all the replays are available together so you can watch them in any order you like.

All The Talks From This Event Are Still Available

Watch Videos On Replay / Download Audio Files / Enjoy Additional Content. 100% compatible with your Mac or PC computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone.

Click/tap into the image to go to our HeySummit hosting pages for full details, prices and booking options.

What Does Living A Spiritual Life Mean To You?

Many of my guests hint at spirituality, but only a few bring it fully into the conversation. Spirit-duality was created to address this taboo. Bringing spirituality fully out of the closet, we take an in-depth look at the things people believe in, how this supports them through challenges and the dualities of life and how they integrate it into everything they do, including their work.

The event is in two parts: Inspiration and Empowerment:

Inspiration consists of rich conversations with people whose work is directly integrated with their spiritual path, and Empowerment is a series of powerful exercises to support you in developing your own spiritual awareness, bringing you fully into alignment with your full potential.

All The Talks From This Event Are Still Available

Watch Videos On Replay / Download Audio Files / Enjoy Additional Content. 100% compatible with your Mac or PC computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone.

Click/tap into the image to go to our HeySummit hosting pages for full details, prices and booking options.

Tickets are still available for all the above events.
Check back here, or join the mailing list to stay up to date with information on future events.