We live and experience our life within a story that we have created in our minds. Some of those stories are shared narrative with others who collude with us on the journey. Other stories are unique to our view of the world and we can get lost or find ourselves asking the question.

There must be more to it that this?

What's the meaning of life? Health and wellbeing.

I was lucky enough to notice. However it did take the death of my Father for me to become aware that I was losing my way.

I have recovered, and life is back of on-track, my therapy has been the journey of this podcast.

Wow-what a ride, it has been my privilege to explore people’s lives using just five simple questions.

Those questions around passion, success, contribution and meaning helped me discover what it means to live a good life.

It has revealed that we are all living a story and as long as we continue to believe and invest in that vision, holding the journey on the path.


Is your life working, are you where you want to be for your age and stage?

So Consider Where You Are.

Are you happy, what does that mean to be happy?

Are you starting every day with anticipation?

Can you see the future you are moving towards?

If Not Read On

If you answered any of those questions with a no you are in the right place if you want an immediate solution. Check out the five questions.

If you want to explore or follow the podcast, that is what it is for, there are hundreds of stories each with its own message. Sometimes there is more to the story than meets the eye.

The number of times I have come out of an interview and thought, I don’t get it. Then I listen again in the edit and I am blown away by what is revealed, and some stories are just

The shortcasts are short