Is there an ‘unlived‘ adventure story lurking somewhere inside of you? Then, join me with Jane Taylor, in celebration of her new book “Spirit Traffic – A  Mother’s Journey of Letting Go

Lets face it, we all love a good adventure story. yet for most of us the fix generally comes through reading fiction or biographies, watching movies, or listening to podcasts and celebrating the hero’s journey in somebody else. But what if it were your turn? What would you choose, and given the opportunity, would you actually say yes?

Today, not only do we get to hear Jane Taylor’s story, we also get the opportunity to be part of her adventure. (details below).

When Jane Taylor’s son Emmit graduated, her husband John had the idea to celebrate with a road trip. The plan was to buy three motorcycles and ride across country from Vermont to California and back. That is a 10,000 mile round trip, and for a Mom who hadn’t been on a motorbike for 40 years, that’s no small challenge!

Jane said Yes to the idea, even though she was terrified!

“I jumped in, because I tend to lead, but I was terrified.”

Motorcycles were in her family’s blood when Jane was a child.  In 6th-grade, her mother owned a motorcycle business, so her early years were around bikes and bikers. But her family sold the business and moved on, and riding a motorbike was now just a distant memory. In her teen years, writing was her thing; she went to college earned her degree in literature and music history and always knew writing would be part of her life, but not sure how. 

On leaving college Jane skirted around, working in restaurants, cooking for a Baroque orchestra running a welding shop,  and being an event organizer. But it was always writing that held her interest, so she eventually became a freelance ‘pen for hire’ and a professional CV writer.

But, at 50 years, old approaching mid-life, it was this family adventure that changed everything. The podcast is part of a celebration of that journey and the launch of her book “Spirit Traffic – A  Mother’s Journey of Letting Go”  inspired by her travels and the gifts it gave her. 

The book is out on April 19th 2022, and there is a book tour beginning in May. The fun part is that Jane and her husband John are reprising the adventure by travelling across the US, from New England to California, for readings at independent books shops and in people’s homes.

So you can be part of the tour by hosting an event. All the details are here:-

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