Colette Mason the Book Coach, she is a facilitator of books. Have you considered writing a business book?

Colette Mason the book CoachMany people dream of writing a book, A Memoir, a fiction piece or a business book. With all of our modern technology, it has never been easier to become a published author.

The number of books published every year continues to rise. Book sales it the UK in 2017 was £5.7 billion. Even with our electronic readers, the popularity of the printed word shows no sign of diminishing.

I have to admit I have a few kindle books, but I cannot enjoy them in the same as a physical book. There is a sense of pleasure to be found looking up from my desk to see books on the shelf.

With books are more abundant than ever, has it changed our view of authorship?

No. The people that have written a book have a certain status, the book gives them a credibility in their field that is difficult to match.

She is a master at in the world of business books, but More about Colette Mason the book Coach in a moment

Routines and Processes

I like to use these section of the podcast intro to exploring what I am up to. Over the last few weeks, I have been talking about morning routines. So I decided to take the time and create some additional shows or shorts to share my thoughts with you.

These will start next and will be part of a series podcasts in addition to the weekly show. The first few will be routines, exercise maybe food or business, who knows where it will lead.


Let’s talk about books

Colette Mason the book CoachColette Mason the book Coach

She has created a formula that will help anyone with some good ideas to create a book. It has been tested and the process and helped ten authors write and publish best-selling books.

Since creating her programme, it has been instrumental in over 3000 titles for different corporate entrepreneurs.

Her journey starts in the corporate world. For many years she was trusted to produce and publish information for the UK Government and big global corporations. There was a high-profile element to this work – knowing millions of people are reading what they produced. It was quite a buzz. But apart from the occasional public inquiry report, the authors never got the credit.

The information was always attributed to an organisation or a department, and never those who spent time at the coal face researching and writing it!

So she jumped ship to set up her own publishing company and set about writing a book. Colette completed her first draft in just 14 days, from where she had it edited and had eventually published.

She wondered what it would do. What followed was an invitation to speak at a conference in Cern Geneva, she got asked to do workshops in Africa and contracting gigs in Australia. She appeared on the radio, in articles in newspapers and magazines. The book open doors that she did not know existed.

Colette is all about process and about efficiency. I hope you enjoy the conversation with Colette Mason.


Colette Mason the book Coach.

Colette is active on social media, Facebook and LinkedIn. You can find her website and the book writing  process at

Let’s Keep this Podcast  flying

We are experiencing amazing growth on the podcast over the last few months. I want to thank you for listening I appreciate your time and attention. If you enjoy the programme and would like to write a review, Itunes is the best place click here

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Also if you would like to be a guest on this show, do you know someone with a good story? Check out the guest page and lets talk.