My guest on the show is a testament to perseverance on my part. As it was hard to find matching dates and good internet connections.

Here is the story I was given a packet of tea in a Christmas hamper in 2017. As a marketer, I was inspired by branding and packaging.

The packet has a story and you would think it is brand of longevity. I did my research and discovered it was a business based in Australia run and owned by Corinne Noyes.

Because of the packaging and the branding I assumed it was family business and that Corinne was the next generation. How wrong was I?

Corinne is the brand creator and founder of Madame Flavour.

Her story is that of a full-on brand and marketing career working in the industry for over 20 years, for some of the biggest companies in Australia.

Our conversation today is about how she was looking for a change and fell into the tea business.

While a small project she had big plans and from the beginning, she set out to surprise and delight tea drinkers. She succeeded on many levels, pioneered Madame Flavour, launching eco-friendly leaf tea pyramids.

This business started from the spare room of her home, with the industry experience she pitched to major retailers and won the business.

Corinne Noyes Madame Flavour

Ten years later, Madame Flavour is a household brand name, with over 100 million tea pyramids sold, and in her words, that’s 100 million tea moments experienced.

The range is sold in luxury hotels, airlines, cafes, restaurants and in major supermarkets in Australia, NZ Asia and of course the UK.

Corrine actively retains the bits of the business that she enjoys and travels testing and tasting to manage her business. It was hard to get dates that matched because she really is Madam Flavour tasting her way around the planet.

If you would like to connect with Corinne, you can find her on Linkedin or her personal website or you can buy her tea at Madame Flavour

Thanks for the support.

2018 was an amazing year of growth for the podcast. While I do not do big goals I do have intentions for 2019 to reach out to more people and make this podcast better than ever.