Paul Harvey – Media Profile
Paul Harvey is a Podcaster, Virtual Events Host, Life Focus Facilitator
and founder of Life Passion & Business (www.LifePassionAndBusiness.com)
Paul is available to speak on Podcasts and at Public & Virtual Events
Location:- Morayshire, Scotland.
Available for Remote or Face-to-Face interviews and Event Hosting.
Inspiration, Life Purpose, Personal Development, Confidence and Fitness.
Speaking Topics:-
Passion & Purpose: Living In Alignment With Your Core Values
The Podcast: Five Questions That Change Everything
Speaking With Confidence: Strategies for Successful Communication
From Dodgy Knees to 10K: Health & Fitness In My 50’s
Brief Biography
Originally living and working in London, Paul has a background and over 30 years experience working in product development and marketing.
From an early interest in performance where he completed professional acting and singing courses, he progressed into public speaking and has since trained in Coaching, Public Speaking and Professional Leadership.
Since his move to the North of Scotland in 2004, he has worked as an independent Business Advisor and Coach. His current focus is on his Life Passion and Business Podcast, created to support inspiration and passion for life and business. He also runs Virtual Events and creates Resources to enhance life experiences and develop the human spirit.
Full Biography
Career Development
My career started in a small London based company cutting my business teeth in purchasing and moving around the organization as it grew into a national and then international business.
By the time I landed the key role as head of the development team, the operation had a large product range specific to the retail and garment industry. My team doubled that range over 10 years selling B2B through retail, direct marketing and later internet channels.
With over 30 years of experience in business and marketing, my experience is wide and includes international sourcing and Far East supply chain management.
A Change of Scene
I had been in that business a long time and I recognised I was stagnating. I needed fresh air and a new challenge, Moving to the Highlands of Scotland gave me an opportunity for new beginnings.
I turned my attention to the issues of rural business and marketing communication and became an Adviser/Consultant with a Local Enterprise Company. From there I moved on to become an independent Marketing Coach and Business Adviser. advising over 200 companies in the areas of marketing, business start-up, growth and development, and specialized in the development of the sales message.
The death of my father in 2017 was a wake up call and the recognition I had hit a midlife crisis. I had lost my passion for life and I could envision myself slipping into old age with regrets. It was time to take action.
2018 saw the launch of the podcast Life Passion And Business. It started as a reaction to my mid life crisis and has grown into a project for empowering others. It is an exploration of passion and purpose and how that fits with business.
With well over 100 interviews, I have learnt a lot about people and what makes us tick. It is through the podcast that I have developed these Five Questions:-
- Where is your passion, are you living it?
- What does success look like for you?
- What is your contribution to the world?
- What is the one question you wish people would ask?
- And, in your experience, what is the meaning of life?
I have discovered that these questions have the power to shift from a static mindset to being fully engaged in the discovery that anything and everything is possible. This shift has empowered me to focus on the areas of life and business that are the most fulfilling for me.
Virtual Event Hosting
In 2020 this project opened up to a new audience through virtual conferences and summits. The first event launched in April 2020 just as the world went into lock-down, and fear was heightened about how we were going to continue to live, work and socialize in a potentially dangerous world.
The response was tremendous, and I took it further with the second Summit in August of the same year. This coincided with my wife looking for a new direction and my son leaving for university (the end of our 18 year parenting project).
The second event benefited from my wife’s skills for organization and administration and this has been a catalyst for a new way of living and working together. In November 2020 we combined our skills to take the Life Passion & Business project to the next level with a unique exploration on spirituality.
Performance & Facilitation
I have always enjoyed acting, singing and presenting. While in London I developed that passion with performance and vocal training. I also participated in a one year intensive facilitator training course for facilitating people within a personal development context. On moving to the Highlands I developed my coaching skills and today I use a mixture of these techniques as part of my working toolbox.
Speaking is a Passion
When Toastmasters came to Forres I seized the opportunity to develop my skills further and support others in doing the same. I was one of the founding members of the club and served as Club President for a couple of years. If you have any interest in public speaking, join a toastmasters club. The groups provide a supportive space to learn the craft.
Physical Fitness
I have always been active. In my 20’s I enjoyed martial arts and was a keen squash player. Later, the long commutes to work were made easier by leaving early and starting my day at the gym.
With the move to Scotland, working from home, and an extensive house renovation it all dropped away. Although the renovations weren’t without toll, my exercise regime was gone and the good habits lost.
At 53, after a 13 year break, my body was informing me that things had to change. If I didn’t do something about it, I would lose it, so I returned to the gym and started running a few years later. In 2018, looking for a new challenge, I ran my first 10K. This spurred me on further and I am currently flirting with the Marathon idea.
It’s not about competing. For me its the freedom of movement and discovering how I can push beyond perceived boundaries.
Looking for Real Value
There is tremendous value to be found in the relationships we have with our family and friends. To be in business is no different. The relationships we forge in our professional life with work colleagues and customers enrich life’s journey and ultimately are there to be enjoyed.
Personal fulfilment is found by living in alignment with our core values and remaining passionate and curious about the world around us. I believe it is the combination of all these things that bring purpose and meaning to my life.
In Conclusion
‘Who am I?‘ is a big question that few people really ask of themselves. It is a question that needs to be answered if you are going to find satisfaction in the life that you choose to lead. There is more to say on this, but one significant fact that I have discovered is that my main life purpose is to move people forward.