The Science of Spirituality is a talk with Dr Lisa Miller. Is spirituality good for us, and are there benefits to be found from a spiritual practice?  We often talk about intuition on the podcast, and many people in business and life will talk about having a gut feeling or being guided to an outcome.

These conversations inspired my wife and me to host on the subject at the end of 2020, one of three we did that year. Spirit-duality was an exploration of religion and spirituality in life and business. Dr Lisa Miller is a scientist who specialises in spirituality and phycology.

I thought to share it with you today, partly because the conversation is insightful, and I think it has valued given that we are in a time of the festive season. Dr Miller is the author of 3 books and numerous peer-reviewed papers on spirituality and health. She is highly respected, having advised governments, investment banks and even the military looking at how a connected view of the world has physical and mental health benefits.

I hope you enjoy the Science of Spirituality talk; it is one of many that can be found in the spirituality event.

All the virtual events in 20202 were based on my interest and convinced me to explore a subject-based podcast starting in January 2023. I am so looking forward to exploring and sharing more great people, stories and wisdom with you. Have a wonderful festive season, and if you want to make it the best one check out the show Beyond Presents ( last week’s show) all about using gratitude as part of your Christmas rituals.

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