Intentions Goals & Plans, last Sunday I completed a goal, I can call myself a Marathon runner.

For me, it was the day I would join a very small club. It used to be that only 1% of humanity would run a marathon, it is possible nearer 2% these days. But still, a very small slice of humanity run that distance.  It was an intention that I had set for this year it is done. 

I often say I don’t do goals but set intentions and I realise that is not strictly true, it is a trick that I use on myself to get me moving in direction of travel. Because sometimes goals just feel too big.  

In this show, we look at my journey and how we can draw from the process

Completing the race was the goal it was more the celebration of 18 weeks of training. During that time I have run 610km, I have got my heart rate down and achieved a level of fitness like never before.

The race was the culmination of a journey in running that started 7 years ago when I first went back to the gym.

A marathon is more than just a run its 26.2 miles, it is a journey of daily running and learning how the body works under extreme conditions. It is as much about nutrition and mindset as it is about running.

Goals & Plans

My marathon went to plan for the first 17 miles up until the big hill, I was ready for it but what I was not expecting was what happened on the other side.

Pain and raw emotion.

Despite the pain and waves of emotion, I committed to run the last 1k and made it over the line in 4.35 to be greeted by friends and family. It was so good to get it done. 

If there was one success factor that made all the difference, it was that I had a tried and tested plan and I followed it every day for 18 weeks. 

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