I want to talk to you today about the powerful or powerless. Where do you sit on that line do you feel you have the capacity to control and direct your life or do you feel your life is controlled and directed?
In truth, both are illusions but for the sake of our sanity, it is best to think we have some measure of control.
In this show, I am talking about Agency which is the ability to take action in the face of opposition. It’s funny because I only discovered the word “ Agency” very recently. Over the last few weeks, I have been reading a lot about the dynamics of change at the societal level.
I’ve only ever considered that word as it’s used for a noun as in an agency that provides people or a government agency that coordinates and organises something. I’ve probably heard the word before and never really connected its meaning with empowerment.
With all that is happening in the world, it is easy to buckle under the impact of it all.
Now many will brush it off with I have not got time to worry about that stuff.
What they are really saying is, “I am not ready to let it in so I best ignore it.”
If you are curious there is a simple exercise that will help you find how powerful or powerless you are and give you a score and there are some thoughts on what stops us from owning our power.
When we feel that we own our power and have some direction over our life that is when life feels like it is working.
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