This week’s podcast is a throwback January 2018. The recording with Simon Jordan was the third interview I had done, and was the point when I launched podcast.

I know that my interview style has changed a lot since the beginning. I am a bit more relaxed and free-flowing. However, that does not diminish the story.

By the time a podcast series builds, the early stuff gets buried and rarely seen, which is rather sad as some of those early interviews hold some gems. So I thought it was about time to share some of these early shows with a new audience. I hope you enjoy Simon’s story.

Looking Back to the Beginning…

Simon Jordon

Simon is a branding and marketing guy like myself. He’s had an interesting journey that began when he was very much the ‘go and get it’ type of marketing guy in a pinstriped suit, and brings us forward in time to where he is now – someone that climbs mountains with his clients and sees the connection with nature as far more important than a city office.

From the start, this journey is about surrender, it’s about how he went from being an ego-driven character to someone who now sees life as a river flowing around us, when we are angry or stressed we are like boulders, when we are calm we are flowing.

Simon Jordan & #5ThingsClear

At the time of recording this Simon was in the midst of launching his ECO project: #5ThingsClear. The project is all about removing plastic from the environment. It encourages people to pick up five pieces of litter and put them in the bin or get them recycled.

This has been a fantastic project for him, it started from a walk on the beach, and has now grown arms and legs popping up all over the world.

Simon Jordon

As an aside, Simon talks about running the London Marathon at the beginning of his journey. Now a serious runner Simon will be taking to the streets of London again this year, and in his own words, he is a changed man since then. The link to that post is below.

I hope you enjoy this conversation with Simon Jordan.

If you are inspired to reach out to Simon, the links from the programme are below the timeline. I had forgotten I used to do these, do you find them useful? Please comment if you do so I can consider doing it again.

Podcast Time Line

3.40 Leaves Sky TV started his own marketing business
4.10 Ego has landed
6.20 Chasing money
6.50 The universe sends a message
7.00 Failure after failure or was it learning
8.40 Shocking revelation and the year of change
11.15 The place of surrender and making flowers
13.40 We think we are In control
14.45 The power of networking
17.30 Getting what you want
19.30 Keeping fit
21.00 Being the best and a new relationship
23.00 Mindset and trust
27.3 Trust and take action
29.5 Natures Prozac
37.00 Appreciation of the mother mountains
42.00 One piece of advice

Simon Jordan’s Links:

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