Regenerative Farming and skin Care—how do they fit together? If you are vegan or have any views on livestock farming, this podcast might trigger you. My conversation with Charles Mayfield is about regenerative farming and animal husbandry. It’s about real food and how a bad case of sunburn led to the start of a unique skincare brand using lard.

Charles is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and risk management strategist. He is the founder of Farrow Skincare.

Born in East Tennessee farming was in the family and Charles enjoyed working with his hands, the outdoor life with spots and activities with the scouts. However, on leaving college his chosen career was in insurance and finance. ( I did not see that coming )  But farming was in the blood and had to be followed, the route to that was through healthy eating and fitness.    ’ 
Charles started Mayfield Pastures, a regenerative farming enterprise focused on producing high-quality pasture-based meat for a small group of high-integrity food enthusiasts in the Southeast. In addition to his farming background, Charles is also the co-author of the Paleo Comfort Food cookbook series.

We had a free-ranging conversation, and he shared the principles of regenerative farming, soil health, and animal welfare. As for the usual questions, I had to put him on the spot a few times to get his answers.

Some highlights are the joy of keeping pigs, how regenerative farming can save the planet, and why animal skin care products are the best.

What is fascinating is that Charles and a small team around him manufacture the Farrow Skin Care range. It is a small brand with a big plan.  


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