Have you ever considered asking for help a gift? I have noticed that there are two types of people in this world: those who can easily ask for help and fiercely independent souls like myself. My dad was the same way, always wanting to do things independently, even when struggling. It’s something I inherited, but boy, does it make life harder sometimes!
( It’s funny, having processed this show for you, I realised I did not ask for your help. See the note at the end. )
We humans are meant to collaborate and share tasks—that’s what makes us so successful. But somewhere along the line, many of us became too proud to ask for help.
My car was off the road this week, so I had to ask for a ride to Inverness. It felt weird, but you know what? The person I asked was genuinely happy to help, and we had a great day together.
It got me thinking: Why do we resist asking for help so much? Whether facing a significant life challenge or a simple task, we all need support sometimes. As a coach, I see this all the time—people banging their heads against the same wall, refusing to ask for help to get through it. There’s no big revelation here; just a reminder: sometimes, we have to surrender and ask for that support.
Asking for support is a gift.
So, where in your life are you struggling, and could you use some help? Maybe it’s a decision you need to make or physical support for a task. Don’t ignore it or procrastinate. Just ask for help—it might solve the problem and let you move on to the next thing. Trust me, it’s worth it!
NOTE: So, how could you help me? Write a comment, Ask a question, or tell me about your experience asking for help.
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